Monday, March 28, 2011

The beginning

My name is Cat and I'm studying at Burnley and living in North Coburg, welcome to my garden blog ^_^.

At the moment, my garden would be better described as a jungle. The small, fenced off area at the back is my soon-to-be veggie garden, if i can stop my fluffy dog from rolling in my garden beds...

After starting a veggie plot at Uni, i was inspired to start clearing a space for one at home. It took a while to get through the tangle of grass and weeds that had grown to waist-height in our old chook pen and weeding is a constant nuisance, with grass seeds germinating everywhere but it's slowly getting there.

I planted tomato, squash, thyme, sweet basil, pumpkin, spinach and bean seeds that i found in our cupboard. Most of the seeds were past the expiry date, so i didn't expect much...So when i got so many seedlings, i was pretty pleased! I haven't done anything special, just dug up the grass and plonked in the seeds, gave it a water and checked on it a week later.
The rest of the backyard has been left to the plants, with vietnamese mint and tomatoes taking over one side, and mum's 'indoor' umbrella plant overgrowing the verandah on the other side.